In Loving Memory of

Reece Zosche
Reece was not just a valuable member to our team, but a talented engineer, student, and friend of those who knew him. Reece was a valued member of our powertrain team, and his work and enthusiasm will never be forgotten. We will forever be thankful for his time with the team.
Adam Morrison
Adam was a dedicated engineer who was always passionate about his studies and his work with automobiles, to include our team's own. His contributions to the team will always be remembered. We will forever be thankful for his presence and contributions to the team.

Jennie Gibbs
Jennie was one of our team's largest supporters and advocates. She brought so much light into the lives of every student on our team. Anything our team needed Jennie was our go to. Our team is what it is today because of her love and support for our students.
David Robertson
David Robertson was not only an icon within the motorsports world, but also a large supporter and mentor for our team. He loved to interact and share his knowledge and experience with our students. We could not be more thankful for all he gave.